Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Back on the right road

Apparently I'm now at week 3 stage even though its been 7 weeks if that makes sense. I'm actually starting to feel better - still as tired but the wings requirement is less frequent after a trip to the hospital.

I actually went out today for a little walk with Mr Harris as the weather was so nice - he reckoned it was like taking his mum out for the day! Cheek of it! It's amazing how things change so quickly - we walked passed a clothes shop and the last time I looked it was all swimming costumes and sun hats - now it's coats and woollie pullies!

I can tell I'm healing inside now as everything feels tight - you know when you cut yourself and it starts to dry out - well it's the same sort of thing. My sleep pattern is totally shot - still in bagpuss mode! Have an appointment on Friday to check up with the Docs and discuss further and hopefully now I'm healing I can start the HRT and then get back to work. I was talking to Steve the other night and said I didn't realise how poorly I'd been until I actually thought about work. This was the first time in many weeks which is very unlike me. In fact I had thought about nothing at all for weeks and it just shows how easily anyone can remove themselves from society and hide away!

Anyway the sooner I get back into life the better - I decided that I wanted to make a cake so Mr H got out the bowls and ingredients so all I had to do was mix and tell him when to get it out of the oven. So flour, butter, sugar in the bowl and he left a carrier bag on the side for me to put the egg shells in so no reaching etc. I cracked the eggs and started the electric mixer. Steve came over and asked what I was doing - errr dumb making a cake I replied but it's really dry for some reason. Steve was referring to the fact that I had cracked the eggs into the carrier bag and then put the shells in there too - you see it is just so easy to loose your train of thought so quickly when you haven't had to think about anything for some time!

Steve has been offered a 9 month consultancy in Bournemouth which is brilliant and Connor starts his new college on Friday - nice reality check!

Connor also passed his English which he had to retake which he is really chuffed with and celebrated by having his windows tinted on his little half car! When he takes his mates out in it they look like the "inbetweeners" which is really funny especially as they are all 6 feet tall and he only comes in at 5 feet 4!

So hopefully the worst has passed and we can all get back to noraml - what ever normal is!

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